Advice For Landlords

If you’re wanting to advertise your rental property and are looking for a tenant, here are some tips and advice to bear in mind.

Have Millennials In Mind

One of the basic concepts of online marketing is to correctly identify your target audience when making your private rental advertising, research certain people's attitudes and online activities (what websites they spend most of their time on, what channels or social networks they use and for what purposes), and then "search" your rental properties there. 

I can tell from working with thousands of landlords around the country, this smart approach seems to be practiced by just a small percent. Most landlords continue to do sort of crappy when it comes to online marketing properties. Therefore learning how to market a rental property online is your ability to outsmart most of your rivals. Read that article A to Z and you're not going to be on a losing side. 

Defining who will be a perfect fit for your estate

The first and foremost step to take is to determine who will be best suited for your rental property. This method is generally referred to in digital marketing as detecting the buyer's persona. It's more like recognizing a 'renter persona' in our case (hope advertisers won't get upset with me for paraphrasing the official term). The purpose of developing a 'renter persona' is to better understand your potential renters' needs and wants. 

Say, you own a trendy loft in the city centre. In this case, it could be a great choice for a young bachelor, and a poor one for a two-child family. If your rental property is a single-family home in a quiet neighbourhood, the focus should be on families with children or renters over 30. If you have a spacious studio near a college or university in a vibrant community, bet on the students. 

As soon as you know what kind of people your rental property will most likely be interested in, you get a huge competitive edge. You can predict what websites and social networks this person is likely to use when you know who your ideal 'renter persona' is. As a result, you can focus only on these particular channels, saving a lot of time and effort on yourself. 

Write a Catchy Title and Property Description 

Title and pictures are, in almost all situations, two first things people see when looking at listings of rental properties when you advertise on without an agent. And, as the old adage goes, you never get the first impression a second time. It should be enough for that single reason to take this move seriously. 

But what does a catchy title/description mean to write, you ask. Great issue. As experience confirms, everything is about being informative and accurate. A house to rent? Make sure you mention it in your description. Do you have a garden and a big swimming pool at your property? Let your prospects learn from the start. 

Catchy title and description make the game when you do additional marketing efforts for your property as well. 

Connect quality pictures showcasing your rental benefits 

I can't stress the importance of that point enough. It will surprise you but rental property quality pictures can generate 139 percent more clicks on your listing. And you should make sure that your rentals page is illustrated with HD and eye-pleasing images. Needless to hire a professional photographer to shoot stuff for you. You will be able to make beautiful pictures yourself, armed with some simple tips and tricks. 

Get the right equipment: a good ISO performance camera, 10-22 lenses for cropped sensor cameras and 16-35 mm for full-frame ones, a tripod, and a flash for bad light shooting. 
Make sure all important parts of your property are captured. This includes a living room, a bedroom(s) and a bathroom(s), a dining area kitchen, and an exterior. 
Retouch images that pay special attention to vertical correction, crop, HDR, and white balance. 
Creating a Virtual Tour (or 360-Degree Photograph) 
I might tell it's the latest black property video tour but I got a better idea. The latest open house is a proprietary video tour. This is particularly true for people searching outside of their home state and city for long term rental properties. The greatest pressure point for them could be attending an open house. And by making a professional video tour you can easily fix that. 

It will not only make your rental property listing stand out among many others, but it will also help you target specific groups of prospects – people who are unable to attend an open house due to living in another state of busy schedules. 

So you shouldn't be afraid of new things: arm yourself with a GoPro or any other camera and shoot a video featuring your rental property's perks. Take advantage of some video retouching once you're done, upload your video to YouTube, and attach the link to your listing. The payoffs are enormous. 

Consider taking some 360-degree pictures in case video shooting isn't your biggest talent. It is much easier, and it takes less time. What's more, there is no need for special equipment and skills. Take your iPhone, download an app like Cycloramic (this one flips your camera around and shoots 360-degree video pictures), spend five minutes and you're done. 

Syndicated property listing 

Let's find out what lists syndication for the starters. In general, it is a distribution of the listing of properties through all related websites. Its primary objective is to increase the exposure and lower vacancy rates, making it a great digital marketing tool for landlords. 

While you can manually add your listing to all the rental websites you know, there is a way to follow a better approach. Advertise your rental property for free, click on the 'syndication' button and you will immediately get your listing published on 9 largest rental websites. As our experience indicates, one of the most powerful promotional ideas for the rental property is the automated listing syndication. 

Looking for Tenants
Another great way to get tenants is by visiting websites that they use to find answers to their moving, renting, and the like questions. Rent street is one of the most popular websites. Here's your one-sentence intro, if you've never heard of it before: Rent street is a popular Q&A website where questions are asked, answered, and organized by topics. 

Rent street users often ask questions about a given city's best or safest neighbourhoods. They inquire about long-term rental rates in a specific state/city / borough, about the best websites to use for hunting rental properties, about the best places to raise children. All of these questions are your opportunity to get in touch with prospective tenants before they contact you. 

Register on Rent street, make sure you state that your areas of interest are real estate, housing, long-term rent, and property management, and get all relevant questions delivered right into your email box. As soon as you come upon questions from people searching for a rental house, put your best marketing foot forward and tell them that for a decent price you have a great vacancy pad. 

Using the strength of social media 

There's plenty of marketing ideas for rental property, but this one is chief among them. Social networks are king when it comes to advertising the property you rent. In related Facebook Groups, you can share your property listing, add the listing to your feed and ask friends to share it with their audiences. You can use paid advertisement tool and aim your listing for Facebook users living in a specific area. You may outsource those marketing tasks if you lack the appropriate experience. Companies like PropertySpark offer comprehensive solutions to social networking campaigns. 

The good news is that video content ranks better than still images due to one of Facebook's recent updates to the algorithms. So if you've got a video tour featuring your property 's benefits, post it on Facebook along with property description, share it with relevant groups, and enjoy the results. Chances are high, you'll rent out your property before you even know it. 

In Conclusion

Now for landlords, you are well versed in digital marketing, and that means at least three positive things. Your vacancy rates will go down first and foremost. Second, you 're going to be able to choose the highest quality tenants. Second, the demand for your rental property will increase (meaning you 're going to get a chance to earn more). It's time to enjoy the advantages online marketing can bring to your leasing company. Go for it, you 're going to be glad to have done so. 


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